Previous community consultations
April 2024 community information sessions
Two community information sessions were held on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 April 2024, where the project team, architects and landscape designers presented the current design and answered questions.
Thank you to everyone who participated in one of these information sessions. A recording of the session on Wednesday 24 April is available to view and share below.
January to February 2024: Pre-lodgement SSDA consultation
From January to February 2024, Infrastructure NSW invited the community to provide feedback on the project design via in-person community sessions and an online survey.
January to February 2024: Pre-lodgement SSDA consultation
Engagement figures
Online community survey:
265 community members
In person engagement: 174 Penrith Panthers fans
Stakeholder meetings: 22 meetings
April to May 2022: Community 'Have your say' campaign
More than 3,000 people provided feedback in a six-week consultation process in 2022. This included calls for:
- an improved game day experience along with the addition of modern amenities
- an activated precinct that operates not only on event days, but throughout the week
- more food and beverage options, new bathrooms, multiuse purposes, and community space
- preserving the general admission hill seating for families to freely move around.
Further feedback was provided by fans and the local community during a four-week consultation process in early 2024.
This feedback has been carefully considered by the project team and has informed the design for the stadium redevelopment.
April to May 2022: Community 'Have your say' campaign
Engagement figures
Online community survey:
2,771 community members
In person engagement:
700 Penrith Panthers fans
Stakeholder round tables or meetings: 12 meetings with 17 stakeholder groups