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Essential construction works to begin in October 2024

Essential works will commence in October 2024 in preparation for the main construction work of the redevelopment project.

Construction will happen in 2 stages:

  • Stage 1 (Essential preparation work): Sydney Water sewer relocation works starting in October 2024.
  • Stage 2 (Main construction works): Demolition, service termination, and the design, construction, and commissioning of the redeveloped stadium will begin in early 2025. A contractor will be appointed later this year.

Stage 1 work includes establishing the site, relocating a sewer main to pave the way for demolition to build the new western grandstand.

The existing sewer main is located beneath the western stand of Penrith Stadium, servicing a large portion of Penrith and connecting to the sewer pumping station at the corner of Ransley Street and Mulgoa Road.

The planned relocation of the sewer main will include diverting the existing pipes through the Howell Oval car park and across the training field to the west of the stadium, where they will connect to the existing pipework just south of the sewer pumping station (see Figure 1: Proposed sewer main relocation).

Once the new diversion is in place, the existing sewer main pipework will be decommissioned by sealing and filling with grout, utilising the excavations created at both ends.

Separate to this work, Sydney Water are in the process of designing and installing a new plant to improve the known issue of smells associated with the sewerage pumping station. This work will not relocate the sewer pumping station but are designed to improve the odour issue. This work is scheduled to be complete at the same time with the opening of the redeveloped stadium.

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